climate justice action A network of international (although mainly European) grassroots mouvements fighting for global climate justice. Online calendar for do-it-yourself, alternative, radical activities.
sociocratisch centrum nederland a center pushing for a non hierarchical concesnsus driven decisionmaking model, applicable to office spaces and communities
via campesina the online portal of the biggest movement of small and organic farmers in the world
crimetinc contemporary  anarchist non-organization, please don’t get stuck on this
survival international r r
global justice now r r
groenfront r r
greenpeace r r
milieudefensie/friends of the earth r r
redd-monitor r r r r
stop ecocide r r
Center for World Indigenous Studies r
Non-Timber Forest Trade – Exchange Program r
Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples r
Global Justice Ecology project r r
ELAC r r
Conservation International r r
Rainforest Action Network r r
MST r r
environmental justice organisations liabilities and trade r r
capata r r
forest peoples program r r
AK Press r r
filmsforaction r r
coalition against land grabbing r r
Laboratory for Insurrectionairy Imagination r r
Aseed r r
Wij stoppen Steenkool r r
Fossiel Vrij r r
de internationale socialisten r r
fian r r
r r r
NEWS r r
Global issues r r
globalinfo r r
the real news network r r
doorbraak r r
zcommunicationsw r r
counterpunch r r
jacobin magazine r r
lefteast r r
motherjones r r
de correspondent r r
follow the money r r
one world magazine r r
monthly review r r
indymedia r r
guardian r r
wageningen world r r
infoshop r r
democracy now r r
alternet r r
foreign affairs r r
nature today r r
new internationalist r r
grenzeloos r r
groene ruimte r r
duurzaam nieuws r r
mongabay r r
vice r r
common dreams r r
al jazeera r r
krapuul r r r r
thinkprogress r r
roberscribbler climate change monitor r
slate r r
native news online r r
grist r r
earth touch news network r r
cordaid r r
rolling stone r r
the new yorker r r
alexander higgins r r
the baffler r r
r r r
research r r
global policy r r
down to earth magazine r r
transnational institute r r
carbon trade watch r r
Research Collective on Social Justice r
the energy collective r
new left review r r
intercontinental cry r r
world rainforest alliance r r
amazon watch r r
rich forests r r
somo r r
both ends r r
lammas reearch ecovillages wales and britain
global witness r r
2000m2 r r
re/code on basic income
tegenlicht r r
The International Society for Ecological Economics r r
European Tropical Forest Research Network r r
the institute for social ecology r r
tropenbos instituut r r
nasa climate monitor r
cifor r r
Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services r
rights and resources initiative r
vice versa blad over ontwikkelingssamenwerking r
transparency international r
degrowth network r r
Center for World Indigenous Studies r r
climate visuals r
r r
Grutjes Blog filled with fact checks about whatever bullshit pops up in the dutch media about refugee
my dads strip club r r
r r
transition towns network of communities, cities and neighbourhoodspushing for bottom up change
global ecovillage netwok The Global Ecovillage Network envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing their own pathways to a sustainable future, and building bridges of hope and international solidarity.
wwoof r r
beyond europe hub for autonomous antiautoritarian movements in europe
de omslag r r
post growth institute r r
social europe r r
youth food movement r r
foodlog r r
global environmental facility r r
transit theory on Transformative Social Innovation, change in social relations
Genbank r r r
eco-business r
cooperatice integral catalana r
oecd watch r r
r r r
CSR r r
palm oil pledge r r
r r
educational platforms r r
sci-hub free online academic papers r
sacred texts online platform with reading on religion and mythology
gutenberg project r r
r r
natuur studie r r
natuurkalender r r r r
stem der bomen r r
groenkennisnet r r

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De Nederlandse Klimaatbeweging

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